C Shells
"C Shells" is an art piece rich with personal sentiment and clever design, capturing the essence of beachside discoveries and the delight of childhood memories. This work was born from family trips to Florida's shores, where the artist, now a father, watches his children experience the same joy of finding sea shells that he did in his youth.
The sculpture is carefully arranged to form the letter 'C,' a playful nod to both the sea shells it is composed of and the coastal memories it represents. Created with what the artist describes as organized spontaneity, the piece invites a moment of recognition, an "Ah Ha" akin to the wonder his children feel when unearthing a special shell among the sands. "C Shells" is more than a visual pun; it's a layered representation of tradition, creativity, and the simple thrills that connect generations.
C Shells
"C Shells" is an art piece rich with personal sentiment and clever design, capturing the essence of beachside discoveries and the delight of childhood memories. This work was born from family trips to Florida's shores, where the artist, now a father, watches his children experience the same joy of finding sea shells that he did in his youth.
The sculpture is carefully arranged to form the letter 'C,' a playful nod to both the sea shells it is composed of and the coastal memories it represents. Created with what the artist describes as organized spontaneity, the piece invites a moment of recognition, an "Ah Ha" akin to the wonder his children feel when unearthing a special shell among the sands. "C Shells" is more than a visual pun; it's a layered representation of tradition, creativity, and the simple thrills that connect generations.