Pollock's Mickey Mouse
"Pollack's Mickey Mouse" is an abstract explosion of color and form, a playful yet chaotic tribute to the energy of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings intertwined with the whimsical silhouette of Disney's most iconic character. In a tapestry of vibrant reds, yellows, and blues that dance across a complex grey backdrop, one can discern the faint outline of Mickey Mouse's head and ears, a figure synonymous with fun and childhood innocence.
This artwork is a collision of American pop culture and abstract expressionism, where the spontaneous drip technique creates a sense of movement and freedom. It's a visual celebration of two vastly different artistic legacies, coming together to form a piece that is both familiar and enigmatic, inviting the viewer to explore the depths of its layered textures and discover the playful image hidden within.
This artwork is a collision of American pop culture and abstract expressionism, where the spontaneous drip technique creates a sense of movement and freedom. It's a visual celebration of two vastly different artistic legacies, coming together to form a piece that is both familiar and enigmatic, inviting the viewer to explore the depths of its layered textures and discover the playful image hidden within.
Medium: Oil, Paper, Varnish on Hardboard
Dimensions: 30" x 36"
Regular price
Pollock's Mickey Mouse
"Pollack's Mickey Mouse" is an abstract explosion of color and form, a playful yet chaotic tribute to the energy of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings intertwined with the whimsical silhouette of Disney's most iconic character. In a tapestry of vibrant reds, yellows, and blues that dance across a complex grey backdrop, one can discern the faint outline of Mickey Mouse's head and ears, a figure synonymous with fun and childhood innocence.
This artwork is a collision of American pop culture and abstract expressionism, where the spontaneous drip technique creates a sense of movement and freedom. It's a visual celebration of two vastly different artistic legacies, coming together to form a piece that is both familiar and enigmatic, inviting the viewer to explore the depths of its layered textures and discover the playful image hidden within.
This artwork is a collision of American pop culture and abstract expressionism, where the spontaneous drip technique creates a sense of movement and freedom. It's a visual celebration of two vastly different artistic legacies, coming together to form a piece that is both familiar and enigmatic, inviting the viewer to explore the depths of its layered textures and discover the playful image hidden within.
Medium: Oil, Paper, Varnish on Hardboard
Dimensions: 30" x 36"
Regular price